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Affinity Ligands Oligonucleotide Synthesis

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Affinity Ligands

Oligonucletides can be labeled with biotin or digoxigenin* or directly labeled with alkaline phosphatase. A variety of linker arms are available as spacers to minimize steric hindrance.

Besides their importance as nucleic acid probes, biotinylated oligonucleotides are also useful for the purification of DNA binding proteins or cognate DNA molecules by specific hybridization based affinity chromatography. The biotinylated oligonucleotide can be bound to a streptavidin matrix and used for either column or spin chromatography.

Modifications for Oligo Synthesis
Product Code Catalog No. 50 nmol scale (XX=05) 200 nmol scale (XX=02) 1 umol scale (XX=01) 2 umol scale (XX=03) 5 umol scale (XX=06) 10 umol scale (XX=10) 15 umol scale (XX=15)
Biotin 3'
[Bio-3] 26-6404 $52.00 $52.00 $82.00 $127.00 $369.00 $406.00 $527.00
Biotin deoxythymidine dT
[Bio-dT] 26-6424 $351.00 $351.00 $456.00 $684.00 $2,052.00 $3,650.00 $4,563.00
Biotin Multi
[Bio-Multi] 26-6417 $178.00 $178.00 $267.00 $347.00 $1,201.50 $1,064.00 $1,312.00
Biotin NHS
[Bio-N] 26-6712 $210.00 $210.00 $416.00 $310.00 $546.00 $942.00 $1,253.00
Biotin TEG (15 atom triethylene glycol spacer) 3'
[Bio-TEG-3] 26-6407T $166.00 $166.00 $227.00 $272.00 Inquire $876.00 $1,095.00
Biotin TEG (15 atom triethylene glycol spacer) 5'
[Bio-TEG-5] 26-6407F $166.00 $166.00 $227.00 $272.00 $1,021.50 $876.00 $1,095.00
Biotin TEG (15 atom triethylene glycol spacer) Internal
[Bio-TEG-Int] 26-6407I $166.00 $166.00 $227.00 $272.00 Inquire $876.00 $1,095.00
[Bio-5] 26-6423 $65.00 $65.00 $87.00 $121.00 $301.50 $442.00 $674.00
Desthiobiotin NHS
[DesBio-N] 26-6713 $335.00 $335.00 $459.00 $688.00 $2,065.50 $2,808.00 $3,510.00
Desthiobiotin TEG
[DesBio-TEG] 26-6714 $443.00 $443.00 $551.00 $740.00 $2,479.50 $3,008.00 $3,548.00
Digoxigenin NHS
[Dig-N] 26-6429 $650.00 $650.00 $1,250.00 $1,875.00 $4,797.00 $6,951.00 $8,864.00
DNP TEG (2, 4-dinitrophenyl)
[DNP-TEG] 26-6512 $350.00 $350.00 $456.00 $683.00 $2,052.00 $3,645.00 $4,556.00
Dual Biotin
[Bio-Dual] 26-6421 $350.00 $350.00 $456.00 $683.00 $2,052.00 $3,645.00 $4,556.00
NTA Mono (Nitrilotriacetate) Oligo Conjugate
[NTA] 26-6444 $478.00 $478.00 $675.00 $1,012.00 $3,037.50 $4,752.00 $5,702.00
pseudoUridine ribo (psi rU)
[psi-rU] 27-6531 $643.00 $643.00 $751.00 $845.00 $3,379.50 $5,227.00 $6,426.00
Stearyl C18 LMO LMO 3'
[3-Str-C18] 26-6623 $200.00 $200.00 $255.00 $362.00 $1,147.50 $1,782.00 $2,144.00
Tris NTA (Tris Nitrilotriacetate) Oligo Conjugate
[NTA-Tris] 26-6614 $510.00 $510.00 $775.00 $1,285.00 Inquire $5,480.00 $7,185.00
Tyramide Oligo
[Tyr-C10] 26-6681 $330.00 $330.00 $448.00 $578.00 $2,016.00 $1,963.00 $2,655.00
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