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Affinity Ligands - Introduction

Introduction to Affinity Ligands Affinity Ligands Applications Affinity Ligands Design/Protocol Affinity Ligands Literature Order Online

Introduction to Affinity Ligands

Affinity ligands are molecules that are capable of binding with very high affinity to either a moiety specific for it or to an antibody raised against it. Examples include biotin (ligand)-streptavidin (moiety), digoxigenin (ligand)-anti-DIG-antibody and dinitrophenol (ligand)-anti-DNP-antibody. Incorporation of such ligands into an oligonucleotide, either at the ends or an internal base position, allows for the capture and purification of the oligo by affinity chromatography using the appropriate moiety/antibody as the capture medium. In addition, such ligand-labeled oligos can be detected using an appropriate indirect detection system. This allows the researcher to use affinity ligand-labeled oligos as highly sensitive and specific nucleic acid probes in solution-, membrane-, or bead-based assay systems.

Affinity Ligands Modifications

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Product Code Catalog No. 50 nmol scale (XX=05) 200 nmol scale (XX=02) 1 mmol scale (XX=01) 2 mmol scale (XX=03) 10 mmol scale (XX=10) 15 mmol scale (XX=15)

Biotin deoxythymidine dT









Dual Biotin









Biotin NHS









Biotin TEG (15 atom triethylene glycol spacer) 5'


















Desthiobiotin NHS









Desthiobiotin TEG









DesthiobiotinTEG Azide









Digoxigenin NHS









DNP TEG (2, 4-dinitrophenyl)









PC Biotin (photocleavable)









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